Monday, May 29, 2006

Mom broke it

Mom was trying to do something called "updating" didnt go so well, and she broke our site. She says she will have it fixed in a day or so. Dont worry, I know mom can do it

~ Socks


Candace said...

Hey, Socks, Abby, and Blackie. If your Mom is as smart as mine, your site will be fixed real soon.

You have to be patient with humans.

Gemini said...

I hate it when Momma breaks the site. She does that sometimes but she does always fix it.

Unknown said...

Yeah, ours always gets ours working again too but you sure don't want to be around her when it breaks. And you really want to cover your ears when she's fixing it -- Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie

Anonymous said...

hey, socks,

all the problems with the pics is my human's fault. he thinks he's in charge of the web stuff (mmmm...spiders....) and asked your mom to change the photo stuff. he said he was using something like xoops, but didn't like it and said some stuff that sounded rather... harsh. anyways, this'll be better.
