Thursday, May 18, 2006

I touched Mom

Really...I did.

Mom was sitting on the couch and I was hungry, so I walked up to her and put my paw on her leg. I also made my little "squeeky" meow and she looked at me. I dont think that she expected me to do that.

Maybe, someday, I will let her touch me.



The Meezers or Billy said...

Touching her first is a good start Abby. You will like it when you finally let her touch you. It might get your purr machine going full blast!

Gemini said...

I remember first letting my Momma touch me. I was furry scared. You are furry brave to be starting that, Abby girl.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Its hard to get the trust thing going Abby. Go slowly and it will come.

WagerWitch said...

I don't know if you've read

At least I think that's it.

(Story about a cat that gets turned into a vampire. LOL!)

But your site reminded me of that. I ADORE CATS!!!

Thanks for the giggles and stuff - keep blogging on!

Wager Witch

Pink Chihuahua Princess said...

Oh Abby, you sound like you love to tease your mommy!

Anonymous said...

Very nice site! » » »