Friday, September 15, 2006

Blackie and Abby are going to the vet...

I heard Mom this afternoon, when she called the vet people. Blackie needs to have his shots (I really hate shots!) and Mom says that Abby has a "bald spot" on her tummy. Abby doesnt seem to mind, but I think Mom just wants to be sure that everything is ok. I am sure that Abby or Blackie will report on their trip tomorrow.

Other than that, Mom says that we only have a week till we move to the new house. I am being brave, but I think that Blackie and Abby are alittle afraid.

~ Socks


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no, v-e-t AND moving? no wonder Abby has a bald spot - her furs is running away! we hopes efurryfing goes well wif them at the v-e-t

Gemini said...

Oh I would hate to have to go to the vet AND get shots! YUCK.