Tuesday, June 13, 2006


Mom said she 'painted' us today. I have no idea what she is talking about, but I did find these pictures that she took earlier.

I think that is what she was talking about. She did pretty good, I am just glad that she didnt give me a bow tie.

~ Socks


The Meezers or Billy said...

Your momma shur am talented!

Unknown said...

Looks just like you - you must have sat very still so she could paint you so well ...

Xun said...

wonderful cats pics.

Gemini said...

Your Momma is more talented than mine. We wouldn't have looked as much like ourselves if she painted us..

Victor Tabbycat said...

You has a furry talented mom. Mine had a statue she was gonna paint of the cat who raiser her, but she was ascared it wouldn't look like him. He was a tuxie - try my tabby stripes!

Rosemary said...

Very creative idea, and they look just like you!

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Socks, Abby, Blackie, Dexter and Bonnie said...

Thank you everyone. We are really happy that Mom has our little figures. She now has to get one for Blackie, but I am sure she will do a great job on his too.

~ Socks