Friday, November 03, 2006

Moms hurt

Mom went to get the little humans today, and when she got back, she couldnt walk. Mom said that she thought she "sprained" her ankle. I dont really know what that means, but moms ankle is all swollen up and she cant walk. I hope that Mom gets better soon

~ Socks


Gemini said...

We hopes that your Momma is feeling better soon. It just wasn't a good weekend for Mommas!

Victor Tabbycat said...

She needs ta lie down an cover herself wif three lovin puddins. Yup, maximum fur an purr therapy. Bonnie's not good fur that, but I can always make mine mom feel better. Do the little humans efur feed you an play wif you? My boy's aposed to clean the box, but he furgets purty easy. Purrs!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh no poor momma. Yep, she needs to haf 3 poodins layin on her and purring.

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Oh dear. We know we are late sending this, but here are some good healing vibes for your Mom from the Poiland Tribe. Tell her to get better soon.

Just Ducky said...

Bad ankles are not good. Hope your mum gets better soon. Lots of healing kittie vibes to her. Victor is right, you need to do kittie therapy.

Socks, Abby, Blackie, Dexter and Bonnie said...

Thank you all, Mom is starting to feel better, but she keeps an eye on Blackie. He just loves to get under foot, and Mom worries that she will trip over him.

~ Socks